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Le recomendamos que aplique estas uñas con pegamento para uñas para que dure 2 semanas. Evite la exposición prolongada al agua caliente y al jabón para una mayor duración. Mantener alejado del agua durante 2 horas después de aplicar uñas postizas.
Dura unos 3-7 días. Evite la exposición prolongada al agua caliente y al jabón para una mayor duración. Manténgase alejado del agua durante 2 horas después de aplicar las uñas postizas.
Por lo general, la pintura se sale porque el borde no está protegido. Le recomendamos que aplique una capa de capa superior desde la superficie hasta el borde después de limar el borde.
Si lo aplica solo con la lengüeta adhesiva, habrá muchas burbujas de aire que se pueden ver a través de las uñas debido a que son semitransparentes. Le recomendamos que aplique una prensa semitransparente en las uñas con pegamento para uñas.
1. Lávese y séquese las manos. Empuje la cutícula hacia atrás con un palo de madera para manicura. 2. Pule la superficie de la uña suavemente con una mini lima. La superficie áspera puede hacer que las pestañas adhesivas permanezcan más tiempo. 3. Limpie las uñas con una toallita preparada. Asegúrate de que tus uñas estén limpias, secas y libres de aceites o lociones. 4. Seleccione la uña del tamaño correcto para cada dedo y reserve en orden. 5. Opción 1-APLICACIÓN DE PESTAÑAS ADHESIVAS (uso temporal): haga coincidir sus tamaños y aplique la pestaña en la uña natural con el lado adhesivo hacia abajo, presione firmemente y luego retire la película protectora. Opción 2-APLICACIÓN DE PEGAMENTO (Uso de hasta 14 días): Aplique una capa delgada de pegamento en la parte posterior de la uña artificial. Aplique una pequeña gota de pegamento a la uña natural. Limpie inmediatamente el exceso de pegamento si se produce un exceso de pegamento. 6. Alinee con la cutícula, presione suavemente la uña falsa y manténgala así durante 15 segundos. Importante: hay un número grabado en relieve dentro de la uña, asegúrese de que el lado de la uña con el número esté visible.
Pestañas adhesivas 1. Remoje las uñas en agua jabonosa tibia durante 10 minutos. 2. Levante con cuidado los lados de la uña artificial y retírela por completo. Si la uña todavía está fuerte, déjala en remojo durante otros 2 o 3 minutos. 3. Raspe cualquier resto de adhesivo si desea reutilizar el adhesivo. *** No apresure el proceso de extracción de uñas. Es importante retirar lentamente para asegurarse de no dañar las uñas. pegamento de uñas 1.Lime la prensa en las uñas (cuanto más finas, mejor) 2. Remoja con quitaesmalte (15-20 min).

Press on Nails are simply amazing, they allow you to easily and quickly create intricate and stunning nail designs. All without having to spend hours and a ton of money at a nail salon.

We gonna share with you 6 tips to make your Press Ons also known as Glue on Nails last much longer and keep them from coming off easily.

1- Prep Your Cuticles

Cuticles are the skin on the top part of your nails. And if this skin isn’t tended to properly it can prevent the glue from bonding directly to your nail bed. Instead, the glue would bond with the cuticle skin which would reduce the effectiveness of the glue.

So before you apply your Press On Nails, you should use a cuticle pusher to scrape off the dead cuticle skin on your nails and to push and shape the cuticles upwards to allow the Press On Nails to fit comfortably on.


2- Buff Your Nails

It’s important that you buff your nail bed before applying your Press On Nails. You see buffing does two things:

  1. Removes the shiny oily top layer of your nails, this oily layer hinders the nail glue from properly bonding to the nail plate.
  2. And it also roughens the surface of your nail plate which help the nail glue to work better.

3- Properly Clean Your Nails Before Application

Once you have buffed your nails and tended to your cuticles, the next step is that you need to clean your nails.

  1. The first stage in cleaning your nails is that you need to remove any nail polish, acrylics, or any left over glue from your previous press-on nails from your nails.
  2. Next, you need to remove any dirt and other sediments on your nail plate that might hinder the effectiveness of the adhesive or glue used on your Press On Nails.

So what I recommend is that:

Before you apply your Press On Nails you wash your hands and nails thoroughly with warm water and soap. Preferably you should use an antibacterial soap which would help to remove any bacteria on your nails. This would help to prevent an infection from occurring.

Also, you need to ensure your nails are completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Secondly, you need to wipe each of your nails with a cotton pad soaked with rubbing alcohol. This would help to remove the natural oil found on your nails. You see the oily layer on top of your nails would hinder the glue from bonding to your nail bed.

Once the rubbing alcohol has evaporated you can proceed to apply the Press On Nails.

4- Apply Your Press On Nails Correctly.

You should also avoid having your nails coming into contact with water for at least 1-2 hours after applying the press on nails this gives the glue a chance to cure completely.


5- Apply a Clear Top Coat Over Your Press on Nails

If you have a clear top coat, you should apply it to both the top side of your press-on nails and on the underside of them.

A clear top coat would:

  • Strengthens your press-on nails and prevents them from bending easily.
  • Creates an additional protective layer over them that would prevent them from fading.
  • Acts as a water-resistant seal to the underside allowing the nail glue to last longer.
  • Adds a nice glossy sheen to them

6- Avoid Exposing Your Nails to Harsh Conditions

If you want your Press On Nails to last a long time you need to avoid exposing them to too much heat, moisture, and strong chemicals like detergents and chlorine.

These conditions tend to weaken the nail glue which causes the Press On Nails to pop off. My advice is to use gloves when you are doing certain chores like doing the dishes, gardening, cleaning, and avoid swimming and soaking in hot baths for long periods of time.

Also, you should never put too much strain on your Press on Nails such as use it as a tool to open and lift things.



1. Apply VIBEFICANT Glue Remover to the edges of false nails, use manicure sticker to lift a gap gently. 2. Repeat drop glue remover into the gap several times. Wait for 3-5 minutes until glue dissolves completely. 3. Use the manicure stick to lift off false nails, and then wipe off softened glue with paper towel. 4.Do not force or pull false nails; Repeat process as necessary. 5. Use nail buffer to remove glue residue on natural nail and smooth the surface. *** Do not rush the nail removal process. It is important to remove slowly to ensure you are not damaging your nails.
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